Thursday, February 25, 2010

trying to stay afloat :)

On the 11th of january, i was transferred from my happy job to my sad job. "Underwater?" , I asked. "Are you mad? I dont even know how to stay afloat, forget swimming".

"Oh it'll be great!", they said. Bloody HR guys, so out of touch with any human emotion.

So, for the first few weeks, I resisted. I fought with myself, I screamed from inside. I went mad. Then, suddenly, one day, I gave up. Simply. Just like that. I came home and started making bookmarks. I decided that my job did not dictate my life.

And well, to my surprise, when I stopped resisting, I started floating. I slowly am finding myself again. I smile in the mornings. I read coelho, discuss his theories with like minded people. I'm reading a lot now. Something I never had much time for in college. Feels nice.

I'm finding things to be happy about.

I call stick man and smile when I hear his voice. I found someone who can write really good mails for the bookmarks. Stick man says its part of the bookmarketing :).

Right now, life is mixed. There are undercurrents, but the surface is smooth. And I dont mean this in a sinister way. All I'm saying is, when I stopped worrying, everything fell in its place. Things took care of themselves.

Sometimes I forget that god is there. I forget that he's the one taking the decisions, and guiding me. I'm his child, his precious child, and he will take care of me always. I pray now that even if sometimes I forget to hold his hand, he must hold mine.

When I was under a torrent of worries and emotions recently, I kept trying to find solutions. Then I remembered him. I simply poured it out to him. To my mister god. And I know i'll be ok. Simple, blind, unswerving faith. I'll be taken care of. God simply wont let go of me.

I must never ever forget him.Ever.

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