Thursday, December 17, 2009

cherished practices and some realisations

I love the music flowing into my ears, (I realised this just two days ago) like a rippling river, while my eyes are closed. I feel light, my spirit lifts. Its almost like I'm flying.
The above is, of course, subject to the music being good.(read: no rock/heavy metal/death metal/ any other type of metal or minerals)
I love soft, lilting classical music.(read: Kadri Gopalnath's saxophone, Morning Raaga).

Every morning, during my bus ride to office, I pass the lakes at Airoli and Powai. The sight fills me with a deep sense of calm and peace. Its lovely and well.... quite indescribable.

I'm grateful and thank god everyday for giving me such a wonderful bunch of people at work. My seniors and my bosses (rocker J and Drummer J), they allow me to still be a college student, indulging all my childish and immature whims and fancies, never berating me even once. They dont even raise their eyebrows in dissapproval.

I love roaming the markets and streets aimlessly with my mom on fridays and saturdays.

I realise that i'm basically a very intense, passionate person, in all respects. When i'm sad, i'm deathly sad. When i'm lonely, I can literally hug trees or kiss my pillow for keeping me company. When I dance, I can go on till I drop dead. When i'm happy, I can literally clap my hands in glee like a kid who got her favorite icecream. When I feel peace, i'm the Dalai Lama.

I'm looking for substitutes for clapping my hands.( I sense its not very becoming of me).


I type with two fingers.
I'm mellowing down in many ways.

I love having pasta and sizzlers for lunch with stick man, calculator man, and ice man for company.

I love having pasta and sizzlers, for dinner with my school gang of girls who are practically my soul mates now.

I'm afraid, nay, phobic about commitment. This has a few exceptions, understandably. but then again, you cant expect Milind Soman, Richard Gere, or Mickey Mouse to fall for you.

Making bookmarks makes me feel contented and peaceful.

I love playing "mendikot" (a card game) throughout the night into the wee hours of the morning with my college friends. Even though I lose almost always.

I love reading and devour books with an unbelievable ferocity. They transport me to another world, make me lose track of time.

When a certain "honey" flavoured person I just met for a few minutes, remembers me enough to search me out with great effort, it makes me feel nice. Heck, who does'nt like attention and wooing? I'm pleasantly surprised though, I always thought I was a plain jane.

Shit, I still haven't finished the specifications for distribution boards, LT switchgear, and LV cables.


  1. good morning/afternoon/evening/late evening :) ... watever may be the case...

    I dont mean to be intrusive... but ur post seems very invigorating... and interesting... but may i point an inaccuracy?... or rather an inadequacy... an ingredient... the inheritance of which... may provide you with great insight.... may I? :)


  2. is this the result of a viral or something?
