Monday, January 24, 2011

wake up call

As i stepped into this new year from the old, I wondered at how much had happened in my life. Rather eventful, I must say.

There were dreams and hopes I had last year that got crushed just as I was welcoming the new year. I was experiencing the sweetest dream of my life, and I had to wake up.

There are now new dreams, far more important, that I must now focus on.

I've been a child far too long now. I must grow up. I need a crash course in maturity. Right NOW.

I have been blessed with so many friends who love me more than I really deserve. They travel for hours in hot dusty trains to see me. They meet me just to ask how I'm doing. They come from Chennai, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, everywhere.

They carried me through my school years. They loved me no matter how difficult I was and have been.

They are my pillars of strength. And I've abused that to the hilt.

So, if you're reading this, then know that i love you, all of you, immensely, and always have. All the time you worried about my happiness and I never once asked how things were going with you.

All of them had far more important things to deal with, emotionally and otherwise, yet I never bothered once.I have been selfish.

Everyone who loved me, I took them for granted.

Someone recently made me realize this, and I shall be ever grateful to him. Every minute I spent with him has taught me something new, and I shall cherish all those wonderful moments. He is a most wonderful person.

He put me back on track. Where I should be. And I do hope I shall not wander again.

I must introspect again.


  1. always a pleasure... there was no need to post this though... my opinion only

  2. no the post is for everyone who was there for me when i needed them. and in our recent case, i fear realisation has dawned too late...
