Monday, August 24, 2009

the city of opposites

Yesterday being Sunday and the usual day for our family outings, i went to this place called alfa in irla.

god is it something!
theres truckloads of branded stuff and that too at dirt cheap prices!

DKNY, giordano, revlon, colorbar, maybelline, you name it, they gotit.

that place has everything from a paper clip to a refrigerator.

how do they manage to sell this original stuff at such low prices?, i kept asking myself.
the hitch? have to pay cash.
which means one word.
the black market.
fine. understood.

now if they run such a huge business in the open selling everything under the sun, and if their operation is mostly on the wrong side of the law, how do they manage to evade it?
maybe they pay the police truckloads of cash.

quite cheap, considering the fact that they prolly pay no tax at all.

this is how we co-exist in bombay. or mumbai. whichever, you pick. honesty cant exist without dishonesty, law cant exist without crime, the rich cant exist without the poor. we wear expensive kancheevaram sarees, but the weaver who weaves them for us cant buy even one kancheevaram in his lifetime.

we cant help it.we live in the city of opposites.

maybe this is part of mumbai's charm. this is why in our hearts, somewhere we know that this is the truth, and the ones who can are privileged.
maybe this is one of the reasons suketu mahta called bombay, the maximum city.

As for me, i got my yardley perfume, a herbal essences shampoo, and my very first lipstick!

bombay totally rocks!


  1. i share your love of the city. i don't know why, maybe it is because it's a city of opposites, the city of the NO, the city of dirt, the city i was born in, the largest city on the shores of the Arabain sea.

    i actually wanted to tell you to blog daily, you have the time.

    you beat me to it. cheers!

  2. and why do you have ads on your blog?

    i thought you said you'd never do it for the money. so much for words.

    words are only as deep as your mind, or mouth.

  3. and do you have a fixed time to blog?

    i admire the discipline.

  4. I am sorry to say this but we are the only people who can help it. All these opposites need not exist... stop hogging on cheap bargains and free stuff... let the real workers get their works worth... if someone pays you less for your work you'll create a hue and cry but the same rule does not apply to others... hypocrisy at its height
