Saturday, August 29, 2009

the mini reunion

today the major population of my class turned up at college, to collect their marksheets, distribute sweets and in general have a good time.

it felt great to meet up with people, especially the ones i havent seen since the day of the last paper.
we basically lazed around, discussed the latest rumours, and such goings on for most of the morning.

then our stomachs started to rumble, and we popped over to ramdev's, a local hotel, for a spot of lunch.
i was and still am amazed by the amount of food men eat! i mean seriously, do they have expandable stomachs or what? they just keep eating and never feel full. and the most unfair part is that it doesnt even show yaa. do they or do they not know that the stomach is the size of two palms?

anyway, after a good, scrumptious lunch, we went over to the local club where a few others from our class were having some drinks and gupshup.

after lazing around for a while there, i came back home, watched the jackson show on travel and living.
and here i am!

most of my classmates hav started working and the change in their general appearance and demeanour is quite noticable and is a most welcome change. :)
it makes one wonder what magic powder these corporates use to turn absolute lukkhas into courteous human beings.

guess i'll find out on 11th september!


1 comment:

  1. i know what that powder is. you don't want to know.
