Monday, August 24, 2009

a friend in need

today i became a girlfriend to a most dear friend of mine.

sounds strange?

well, actually a friend of mine, who by the way is a total sweetheart got into a spot of trouble.
he went to the airport to do some ornithological research and sadly met a bird, who was a bit sticky.

she just wouldnt let go of him.

so i suggested i become his girlfriend.
simple. smart. solves the problem beautifully. the bird hasnt made contact since she heard the news.

as for you people out there, dont think i'll do it for you ok
i only do it for extremely special people.

and i'm thrilled i could help my friend. i'd do it anytime for him.

cos he was always there for me.
when i wanted to crib, laugh or just be stupid. he always smiled and indulged me.
i'm blessed i know him.
so i'd do anything i could for him.

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