Sunday, August 23, 2009

so this is me.
your simple average girl next door.
with a mostly mundane, sometimes interesting life.

a voice waiting to be heard.
a soul waiting to fly free.
an average indian girl, wanting to try new things but afraid of doing so.

a girl who loves classical dance and reading.

a girl who types with two fingers, hence is extremely slow, so you can imagine how long this is taking. and i'm not even going to edit it, cos if i do, i'll be at it alllllllll day long.

i've never even maintained a proper diary before, so i dunno if this will work out.

but unless i try, i'll never know.

so here goes nothing. here goes everything.


welcome to the world of aracena sweenawozan!

the average girl next door.


  1. why do you keep using the name given to you by a retard and refuse to address yourself by the name your parents gave you?

    you won't even allow anonymous comments.

  2. hi average girl nxt door,
    interesting blog...continue writing..wud love 2 knw more abt u....
